Questions About Prep
Clenpiq Prep
Fleets Enema X2 Sigmoid Prep
Nulytely 2 Day Prep
Nulytely Prep
Standard Prep (1 Day)
Standard Prep (2 Day)
Is there any way that I can make the prep taste better?
You can try sucking on hard candy or a lemon or lime. You can rinse your mouth with mouthwash or water. Also you may add lemonade Crystal Light into the mixture.
Why avoid red or orange liquids?
Red or orange liquid can temporarily stain the colon and possibly impair the exam.
One of the medications I was instructed to take the morning of the procedure is red. Can I take it?
Medications for blood pressure, heart conditions, and seizures should be taken the morning for your exam regardless of the color.
I feel like vomiting and don’t think I can drink any more. What should I do?
It is important that you continue drinking the solution if at all possible. Without a clean bowel, the doctor will not be able to see the inside of your colon to complete the examination. If you do vomit, wait 30 minutes, and begin drinking the solution again. If not improved, call us (if after hours contact the physician on call number 449-3381). Have a phone number of a pharmacy that is open, in case we need to call in a prescription.
I drank a lot of the solution and haven’t gone to the bathroom yet. What should I do?
Keep drinking. Most people have a bowel movement after an hour; some patients may take 2 hours or longer.
I am taking the prep and am now having loose, watery stools. Do I still need to drink the rest of the prep?
Yes, you may have solid stool higher in the colon that needs to be eliminated.
I already have diarrhea before taking the prep, do I still have to take the laxative?
Yes, you must take the prep as directed by your doctor.
I see yellow color in the toilet bowl and a few flecks. What do I do?
If you have drank the entire solution or if your last bowel movements were clear enough that you were able to see the bottom of the toilet, you should be fine. It is OK if you have some flecks of material. The yellow color is a result of bile that normally colors feces. This shouldn’t interfere with the examination.
My bottom is so sore. What can I do?
Avoid rubbing when cleaning the area. Gently pat with a wet washcloth. Apply VaselineTM, Preparation HTM, or DesitinTM liberally.
Why do I need a driver? Why can’t I take a taxi home?
The sedation you are given makes it unsafe for your to operate a vehicle or any type of machinery. You need a trustworthy individual to ensure that you make it into your home safely. In addition, you need someone that we can give instructions to after the procedure since you will most likely not be able to remember these after anesthesia.
Does the person who will be driving me home after my procedure need to stay while I’m having the procedure done?
Yes, following the procedure, the physician will speak with the family member/driver with your permission.
Can I chew gum or suck on candy?
Yes, but nothing with a soft center or red color.
Can I brush my teeth?
Please do.
Can I wear my dentures?
Yes, you may wear your dentures to the endoscopy suite. However, you may be asked to remove them prior to the procedure.
Can I have the colonoscopy done if I am on my menstrual period?
Yes, the procedure can still be performed.
Can I wear my jewelry and rings?
You need to remove all jewelry except wedding rings in the event of possible cauterization during your procedure.
What should I wear on the day of my procedure?
Wear clothing that is casual and easy to put on and take off. Socks can be worn because the clinical area remains cool.
How long will I be at the Endoscopy Center?
The total time allowed for your procedure visit should be 2 hours.
Can I drink alcoholic beverages?
Alcohol is a blood thinner. If you drink alcohol, it is strongly suggested that you drink only a moderate amount (1-2 alcoholic beverages per day) for 5 days prior to your procedure.